Saturday, March 26, 2011


I always knew I was a tad Obsessive Compulsive. For example, I can't tolerate things being out of place. I will sit in a room and notice something (like a crooked pillow) and I will spend 20 minutes trying to convince myself to get over it. Then I will of course get up and fix it. because there is really no point in making myself more nuts than I already tend to be. Give me a little credit, I have finally become comfortable leaving in the morning with my bed unmade. Usually that is because I sleep until the last minute possible, but still. :)

So I am happy to report that I am not the most OCD person I know. My roommate is currently measuring and graphing out the dimensions of our apartment and making little exact replica cutouts of all our furniture so we can fit everything in this place just so. It actually makes sense and I am sorry that I didn't think of it!

Obsessed with work?

I often wonder if I have anything else to talk about besides my job. I have family visiting right now and I feel bad for my roommate and my family. With my roommate all we talk about is our jobs, and with my family all we talk about is our family. So of course my roommate now knows every single thing about each and every member of my family. Did I mention she just moved in yesterday and we've only know each other for 6 months? But she is a trooper and takes it in stride. So yes, she and I talk about work a lot, but in my defense, I work a lot and my job is funny/crazy. I happen to love my job right now. I am happy to say that I like going to work. Even though pretty much every day I find out something new and generally have no idea what I am doing. That's ok, they have told me I am super competent and know what I am talking about. Which  means of course, that I am really good at faking it :) And I fit right in with the people I work with. Yesterday we were waiting for a drill to finish and we start talking about farting. I told them that if I was in my office alone, not to come in right away because there might be a toxic gas spill.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Another gas story

So yes, all my posts are a little gassy in nature. But come on, farting is FUNNY! So just to keep people informed, I can't eat wheat or milk, or things get UGLY in the digestive area. But, unfortunately when I am at work, I have absolutely no self control to resist fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and coffee. So about an hour after that huge lapse in dietary judgment, I get real uncomfortable. So I was in my office, trying real hard to get rid of that unpleasant feeling. I was farting and burping, intentionally, to try to make myself feel better. I did this for about 10 minutes. Then all of a sudden I stopped and realized that I hadn't even looked behind me (my chair faces away from the office) to see if anyone else was in the room. Yeah, like I said, NO shame.

Running toots

Does anyone else have a problem with farting while running? I am a gas machine when I put one leg in front of the other. I was on the treadmill the other day and was really gaseous. What am I saying? I am ALWAYS gaseous. All my friends, family and former roommates can tell you that I fart basically all the time. Disgusting? Pretty much, but what am I supposed to do about it? I just go with it.

Anyways, back to the treadmill. I joined a new gym and was there for my first exercise experience. I am pretty sure I made an awesome impression on my fellow gym members. I could not stop farting. I tried to convince myself that it wasn't loud enough to hear, but then I turned my headset off and could not make that excuse to myself any longer. It was LOUD and it smelled BAD. There was nothing subtle about it. And all the treadmills were packed. Yes, I was that girl. And the best part, try as I might to pretend that it was someone else, the woman on my right was walking and NOT wearing headphones. So of course, she knew it was me. But I just kept running, because, hey, I needed to work out!


So I am here, blogging. I am one of those people. Why you might ask? Because I have lots to say and I am way too lazy (or I like to tell myself busy) to actually put pen to paper. If you are easily grossed out or think that farting is gross, you probably shouldn't read this. That isn't the whole point of my blog, but I have very little shame and will share all my funny stories, even if no one else likes them. So yeah, here goes.