Saturday, March 26, 2011


I always knew I was a tad Obsessive Compulsive. For example, I can't tolerate things being out of place. I will sit in a room and notice something (like a crooked pillow) and I will spend 20 minutes trying to convince myself to get over it. Then I will of course get up and fix it. because there is really no point in making myself more nuts than I already tend to be. Give me a little credit, I have finally become comfortable leaving in the morning with my bed unmade. Usually that is because I sleep until the last minute possible, but still. :)

So I am happy to report that I am not the most OCD person I know. My roommate is currently measuring and graphing out the dimensions of our apartment and making little exact replica cutouts of all our furniture so we can fit everything in this place just so. It actually makes sense and I am sorry that I didn't think of it!

1 comment:

  1. Um, that's not called OCD. That's called being awesome. I know exactly how you feel. Wait...I can't talk to you right now because I'm too distracted by the shiny out-of-place object across the room. Must.go.fix.

    Did you get the gray and yellow stuff for your bedroom?
