Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Flight from H-E- double hockey sticks

So, yes, I really like kids. Especially my friends children. Someday I even hope to have children. but on my flight home today, this devil incarnate screamed on a random interval the ENTIRE flight home. Was he sick or hurting? Oh no, he was just a brat. And the best part? His mother did not attempt in any way to corral him. At first I thought it was because she was overly permissive, but as we were leaving I realized she came from a culture where a mother cannot correct her masculine child. I know it is not PC, but this is revolting to me. I want nothing to do with a way of life that requires me to sit and suffer while my monster two year old does what he wants. I babysat for a family like this when I was a teenager and actually got in trouble for disciplining their male children. I felt truly sorry for this poor woman. I mean, you think her son was horrible, you should have smelled the offensive BO coming off of her husband.

Some people definitely put up with things that make me appreciate my life even more.

1 comment:

  1. ok not PC either. I was laughing outloud at this. I wonder which culture it may be??? I have a good guess. :) It drives me crazy as well.
